How to Get Involved

There are several impactful ways you can support our mission at Benter Teenage Mothers’ CBO


Offer your time and skills to help us run our programs and events. Whether you’re in counseling, organizing workshops, or administrative support, your contribution can make a significant difference.

Make A Donation

Financial contributions help us provide critical support, from basic needs to educational opportunities. Every donation, large or small, directly impacts the lives of teenage mothers and their children.

Partner with Us

Collaborate with us to enhance our programs and expand our reach. Your organization can provide essential resources, expertise, or co-host events to support teenage mothers and their children.

Spread the Word

Help amplify our mission and initiatives by sharing them with your network. Raising awareness about our work is crucial for garnering support and reaching more individuals who can contribute to our cause,  whether through volunteering, partnering, or donating. Your advocacy can play a key role in expanding our reach and creating meaningful change for teenage mothers and their children. Together, we can build a stronger, more supportive community.

Counseling Event

-September 30, 2024 @Bulanda Social Hall

Join us for a transformative counseling event, designed specifically for teenage mothers. This event will provide a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, receive professional emotional and psychological support, and engage in empowering discussions.

Join Our Events

Take part in or attend our events to show your support and gain a deeper understanding of our work. By joining these gatherings, you contribute directly to our efforts and connect with others who share our mission. Your presence not only supports our initiatives but also helps to strengthen the community around our cause. Engaging in our events provides an opportunity to learn more about the challenges we address, the successes we celebrate, and how we can work together to make a lasting impact. Your active participation can drive awareness, foster collaboration, and enhance our collective efforts to support teenage mothers and their children.